Special Feature: Eight Orbitals of Inquiry: Reconceptualizing Narrative Methods in Education Research


  • Leah Fowler University of Lethbridge




narrative analysis, autobiographical inquiry, curriculum studies, technology in education, pedagogic practice, research


Eight orbitals of narrative analysis are presented as a long term interest in autobiographical inquiry, narrative methodology, and curriculum studies in education research. This is also an experiment in thought and play with technology in the journal, in education, in hopes that others in the scholarly and teaching communities will read, think and participate in other conversations about the reconceptualization, reconstruction, and use of narrative analysis, curriculum theory and pedagogic practice in education and research.

Keywords: narrative analysis; autobiographical inquiry; curriculum studies; technology in education; pedagogic practice; research

Author Biography

  • Leah Fowler, University of Lethbridge
    Dr. Leah C. Fowler teaches at University of Lethbridge and her research work includes Narrative Inquiry, Difficulty in Teaching, Teacher Development/C, Canadian Literature, and First Nations Teacher Education.  Her most recent book is "A Curriculum of Difficulty: Narrative Research in Education and the Practice of Teaching." (2006, Peter Lang). Two more books ahead: "The T'Ching: 64 essays on Mindfulness in Teaching Amid Difficulty and Change," and "Waiting for Thomas," an interview biography of an emerging notable Canadian writer. She is a former high school English Language Arts and Science teacher, department head, and curriculum coordinator. Leah did her master's work at University of Alberta and her doctoral work at the University of Victoria. For balance, Leah enjoys: kayaking, gardening, music, meditation, theatre, film, and literature. Gentle, sentient people contribute to her best consciousness.


