Experiences Indigenizing School Mathematics Through Place-Based Education


  • Stavros Stavrou University of Saskatchewan
  • M. S. Murphy University of Saskatchewan




This article describes the experiences of two Cree elementary school teachers who taught school mathematics through place-based education (PBE) in a Treaty 6 First Nations community in the Canadian prairie province of Saskatchewan. Using narrative inquiry, we discuss the teachers’ understandings of Indigenizing school mathematics in relation to their Cree identities and PBE, their difficulties and successes in addressing curricular outcomes, and their recommendations for other teachers wishing to take up a similar practice. As described in this article, this research expands upon our existing work in which we sought to provide more nuance and substance around the meaning and practice of Cree Indigenizing school mathematics in the specific context of Treaty 6 Saskatchewan.

Keywords: Cree Indigenization, place-based education, school mathematics, teacher education


