About the Journal

The purpose of the URJ is threefold.

Firstly, the journal’s main function is to promote, showcase, acknowledge and share undergraduate research within the University of Regina and its Federated College communities.

Secondly, this student led journal fosters experiential learning and allows students to demonstrate ownership of their work. Nourishing student growth and maintaining academic engagement and professional standards in an inclusive environment through not only going through the process of submitting to a journal, but also by allowing students to participate in serving in leadership roles for that journal.

Lastly, this journal will serve as a collaboration of interdisciplinary research to connect students from across the campus community.

Promoting, showcasing, and helping to develop a strong undergraduate research community is pivotal to this journal’s vision. It is important for the journal to strive to foster experiential learning for student growth and engagement. The URJ editorial board takes seriously its dedication to engage deeply in serving the undergraduate students at the UofR and Federated Colleges through careful development of our purpose and the organizational pillars of our journal. Our strong editorial and rigorous peer review goals will facilitate academic integrity, collaboration and professional writing standards. The URJ’s interdisciplinary approach allows for robust and meaningful research and conversation and provides opportunities for undergraduate students to explore their academic interests in limitless ways.

Most significantly, the URJ is directly in line with the 2020-2025 University of Regina Strategic Plan focus area of Discovery. This goal prioritizes, above all others listed in the plan, that “all students will participate in experiential learning opportunities.” The establishment and support of this journal and its work fulfills and exemplifies this core principle and allows the University of Regina to demonstrate its commitment to this critical need in a changing academic landscape.