Editorial Spring 2023 Issue of in education

Patrick Lewis

University of Regina

Greetings readers and writers! The summer solstice is quickly approaching and no doubt many of you are anticipating some summer time enjoyment or perhaps others have different plans like summer teaching or studying. As a primary teacher and then teacher educator I spent many summers over the years attending graduate courses and then later teaching them. Consequently, my summers often took a pedagogical turn, which I always found to be somewhat different in a sensate way than teaching or studying in the autumn or winter semesters. There was always a perception of relaxed engagement, even playfulness with ideas and interactions, perhaps because we all sensed the heightened awareness of the fecundity of summer which fostered our own thriving and flourishing in our learning pursuits. With that in mind I invite you to drop into this issue of in education with that summer time sense and engage with the articles and book reviews gathered together. I am confident you will find something that will pique your interest. Enjoy the summer!

Although I penned this before in these pages, at the risk of misleading readers and writers again, I write that this will be my last Editorial for in education. There will be a new Editor taking over the journal and steering it toward new landscapes of research and learning. Thank you to all who have volunteered as peer reviewers, without you a journal cannot exist. And thank you to all the folks who chose to have their work published with in education. Take care and keep well each of you.