
Guest Editors: Rainey Gaywish (University of Manitoba), Linda Goulet (First Nations University of Canada), Joanne Pelletier (Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program), and Larry Steeves (University of Regina)

This last issue of in education for 2011 is indeed special: It had its genesis in a 2010 Montreal meeting involving a number of researchers deeply committed to issues pertaining to Indigenous education. This informal gathering occurred at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Indigenous Education (CASIE), held in conjunction with the CSSE at Concordia University. Out of that serendipitous discussion, a commitment to a shared venture formed between CASIE and the in education journal of the Faculty of Education, University of Regina. A number of academics were committed to providing an opportunity for scholars, in particular new Indigenous academics, to contribute to the ongoing dialogue pertaining to Indigenous education in Canada. They decided, with the solid support from both CASIE and the in education editorial board, to attempt a special edition focused on this vital area. The result is this special edition, plus more articles slated for an upcoming edition of in education.

We, the guest editors from CASIE—including representatives from Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP), the University of Manitoba, First Nations University (FNUC)—and the University of Regina, have been privileged to participate in this endeavour. We hope that this edition will contribute to the ongoing forum related to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit education and research in Canada. Currently, there is increased interest in Indigenous education and research across disciplines, provoking discussions of Indigenous epistemologies, Indigenizing education that includes the Academy, and Indigenist Research Paradigms. How this is taken up varies across disciplines, research interests, and of course demographics, policy, and politics.

As Shawn Wilson (2007) noted, “Our own relationships with our environment, families, ancestors, ideas, and the cosmos around us shape who we are and how we will conduct our research. Good Indigenist research begins by describing and building on these relationships” (p. 194). The readers of this special issue will find many different ways that Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal researchers and writers have taken up relationship building as they join the conversation towards advancing the development of culturally safe, culturally relevant education that respects the rights and interests of Aboriginal Peoples.

We would be remiss if we did not express our deep appreciation to the many scholars who found time in busy schedules to provide thoughtful, relevant articles for this special edition and for those who provided valuable feedback through their reviews of the articles. We would also like to express our appreciation for the generous contribution of time and expertise by in education editorial staff, Patrick Lewis and Shuana Niessen; we are all in your debt.


Wilson, S. (2007). What is an Indigenist Research Paradigm? Canadian Journal of Native Education, 30(2), 193-195.