
Patrick Lewis

University of Regina

As I write this, the prairie landscape, here in southern Saskatchewan, is cloaked in fog and mist; an unusual circumstance for a region often noted for dryness and abundant sunshine. Nonetheless, this issue of in education is anything but foggy or dry for that matter. We have six articles and one book review emerging from that educational landscape for this iteration of the journal. The Editorial Board invites you to delve into the issue with the expectation that each piece offers thoughtful insights and/or provocation to readers. Our aim with in education is to “explore ideas in teacher education, as well as broader and more inclusive discussions in education.” To that end, the journal’s board endeavours to be open to high quality works that cut across and sometimes transcend the boundaries of qualitative and quantitative research and theoretical pieces in education. We want to continue to engender conversations about education through innovative and provocative writing; this collection of works certainly carries on that conversation.